
An Off Day to Indigo

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

A few weeks ago, my friend and I went to Indigo. If you don't know, Indigo is the largest bookstore in Canada and they mainly sell english books. I believe there are french books here and there, but overall it is an english based bookstore.

I had woken up early (on my off day btw) and made my journey to what I call my personal paradise. Truth be told, the last time I went to the bookstore was in late May, right after the semester ended. When I find myself in Indigo I am like a kid in a candy store. Everything excites me and I barely know where to look. After two hours, I ended up with three books. Yes, three books.  (just finished one of them, so good) When I neared the register, my friend pointed at a book stand not too far away, and I knew then and there I wasn't done with my shopping. A stand with "3 for 10$". your girl was hooked! The kicker was that the majority of these books were classics. They had Jane Eyre, Moby Dick, Tom Sawyer, The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice, Animal Farm and more.

I was so excited because I had personally made it a goal to read more classic literature since I'll be attending University in the Fall as a English Literature Major.

At the end of the day, I legit ended up with 6 books all under 60$.

Hope this inspires you all to go out there and discover new reads.

What were your recent buys and recommendations?

X, Elizee

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